Hi! I'm Mary Alexander, ND Founder of Compassionate Counsel & The Compassion Collective.

The essence of my mission can be summed up in three words: "I'm here now."
I teach my clients to embody the unconditional love that they are...and to bring it directly to their wounds. The hurting little kid inside you can finally hear you say, "I'm here now", and they can put down all the pain they've been carrying.

Healing happens in that space.

This is my story...

For decades I lived my life from a place of worry, chronic anxiety, and panic attacks. It affected my body physically in the form of IBS, autoimmune disease, allergies, and migraines. The only voice I could hear inside my head was extremely critical, and the fact that I didn’t know how to change made me angry! Now, I’m full of radical acceptance for myself, I live a life of joy and abundance, and I’m strongly connected to my authentic self.

How did that happen?

I learned, through so much trial and error, how to directly access the wounds that were below my awareness and were the root of the overwhelm and chaos I was feeling.

It meant decades of struggle. One book after the next, one certification at a time, one modality, school, one mentor after another. I desperately wanted to be what I used to call “free from myself” - boy was that misguided!! Understandable, but misguided.

As Rumi, the Sufi mystic and poet, said way back in the 11th century, “What you seek, is seeking you.” As soon as I learned that the genesis of my pain was in the subconscious part of my mind, and was being expressed in my body and in my life in all of my relationships – things began to change for me dramatically.

I learned to access what was previously below my awareness, and how to 'drop in' to my real Self – how to differentiate all the critical, angry, sad, hopeless, and worried parts of me from my Truth. And I began to heal.

I do everything in my life differently now, because I know how to access my inner wisdom and use it to embrace and resource any part of me that is needing attention and presence. I honestly never thought life could be this amazing!

I’m incredibly passionate about helping others skip the years of struggle that I went through and find the self-acceptance and inner calm that is absolutely possible.

I’m so grateful you’re here.


Education & Training:

Doctorate, Traditional Naturopathy
Internal Family Systems Informed (Supervisory hours by Derek Scott, IFSCA, RSW)
Internal Family Systems Immersion
Certified Transformational Life Coach
Certified, Rewind Technique
Polyvagal Theory: Applications for Managing Trauma and Anxiety
Master of Usui Reiki
Certified Practitioner, The LifeLine Technique
Certified, Natural Health Professional
BA, University of South Carolina
Working 1:1 with clients since 2013


Learn to create space inside you to welcome in all your wounded parts


A community platform offering group sessions and a trauma-informed, compassionate container for healing.


An individual experience designed to safely move you into your core Self and meet wounded parts with compassion. 


Access the library of video courses designed to support your healing and equip you with a foundation of knowledge and tools.


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